Contact Us

Tell us what you think about our web site, our lodge, or anything else that comes to mind. We welcome all of your comments and suggestions.

E-mail us at

Summer Contact:

Pipestone Lodge
R.R. 2
Emo, Ontario
Canada P0W 1E0

Phone: (807)-484-2334

Winter Contact:

Pipestone Lodge
79860 Camelback Dr
Bermuda Dunes, CA
92203 USA

Phone: (760)-772-5227


From International Falls, Minnesota, cross over the border to Fort Frances, Ontario. Proceed 20 miles west on Highway 11-71, once you get past Emo turn north on hwy 71 until you get to Hwy 615 approx 10 miles. Turn east on Highway 615. Follow 615 for 13 miles, you will come to a bunch of mail boxes  (50) on the left , about 50 yards ahead to the right is a road marked Clearwater Lake Rd. follow this road to the lake. You can park your car at Sportsman Landing. We will meet you there with our power boat for the scenic 20-mile trip into camp.

Pipestone Map

Clearwater-Pipestone Chain Of Lakes

Close to the U.S.-Canadian border, two points of entry serve the area. International Falls, MN to the East (49 miles from the landing) and Baudette, MN to the West (55 miles to the landing.)

From either direction, take Highway 11 for 11 miles to highway 615. Another 12.6 miles and you will arrive at Sportsmans Landing. You can park your car at Sportsman Landing. We will meet you there with our power boat for the scenic 20-mile trip up to our camp.

Pipestone Lodge - Emo, On 807-484-2334